Preparation of National Historic Landmark Nomination for the Barrio Viejo, Tucson, Arizona February 1, 2018
The Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation (THPF) is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to prepare a complete National Historic Landmark (NHL) nomination for the Barrio Viejo, Tucson, Arizona, according to requirements specified in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The Barrio Viejo is an urban residential/commercial neighborhood in central Tucson, comprised of the existing Barrio Libre National Register of Historic Places-listed Historic District and additional resources currently listed in the Armory Park, Barrio Santa Rosa, and Barrio El Hoyo National Register listed historic districts.
The contract is to be administered by THPF and the work prepared for and completed in coordination with the National Park Service (NPS) National Historic Landmarks Program (NHL Program). Funds for this project have been awarded to the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) by NPS through the Underrepresented Communities Grant Program, and SHPO will be a stakeholder in evaluating consultant proposals and contract performance.
Interested consultants should submit a proposal and cost estimate in response to this RFP to THPF no later than 5:00 p.m. PST on April 6, 2018.
Proposals should be mailed to:
Attention: Barrio Viejo NHL Project Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation PO Box 40008
Tucson, Arizona 85717
Electronic copies of proposals may be submitted to